Reporting Sexual Misconduct & Title IX Reporting

If you think you may have been involved in sexual harassment, sexual assault, or a gender-based incident, here are the steps to make a report.

Reporting Sexual Misconduct

Sexual and gender-based misconduct can occur off-campus just as it can on campus. 

If you are involved with a sexual harassment, sexual misconduct or gender-based incident, our first concern is to provide immediate support to ensure your safety and wellbeing.

Steps to take if you think you may have been involved in a sexual harassment, sexual assault or gender-based incident:

  • First, remember that a sexual assault or gender-based incident is NEVER the victim’s fault.
  • Know what Centralia College on-campus support services are available to you from a distance regardless of where you are studying and regardless of who else (fellow student, stranger, etc.) is involved in the incident. We recommend that you report the incident to either Joy Anglesey, Vice President Human Resources and Equity, Title IX Coordinator (email Joy Anglesey) or Robert Cox, Vice President Student Services, deputy title ix coordinator (email Robert Cox).
  • There are local support resources such as confidential victim services, access to medical assistance, help with reporting to police (only if you choose to do so), potential housing changes, academic accommodations, etc.
  • If you are a responding student and an incident report is brought against you, you will be held to the standards and adjudication of your program and those of Centralia College.

Things you should know when considering reporting:

  • If you choose to tell a faculty or staff member about an incident, be aware that almost all employees (including faculty) are required to report information from students about sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating or domestic violence, and stalking to the Title IX Coordinator. After receiving information from a Responsible Employee, the Title IX Coordinator will contact the student.  
  • If you are concerned about confidentiality, you may report confidentially to a counselor in the Advising/Counseling Office, 360-623-8967. If you report to someone else on campus, they may be obligated to report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator.  The Title IX Coordinator will talk to you about the process and your options. Please note that the Title IX Coordinator may be required by law to act upon any incidents they learn about.

Important Information About This Page

The information contained on this page is reflective of the Title IX rules and policies adopted on Aug. 1, 2024. For incidents occurring before Aug. 1, 2024, please refer to the previous versions of Centralia College policies 1.135 Discrimination and Harassment Policy, 1.136 Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Policy and Procedure, 1.137 Employee Disciplinary Hearing, 1.138 Title IX Grievance Procedure posted on the General College Policies webpage.


Thalia Vaillancourt
Director of Equity & Inclusion
Title IX Coordinator
Centralia College

600 Centralia College Blvd.
Centralia, WA 98531
Email Thalia Vaillancourt