
The Pre-Health programs are intended for persons who wish to prepare for a career in a specific healthcare profession. You'll save thousands of dollars on the first two years of your education by choosing Centralia College.

The programs outlined below provide a solid foundation in the natural and physical sciences and generally align with standard transfer expections. However, consult with your advisor as you plan your curriculum and select electives. This will allow you to coordinate your program with the requirements of your intended major at the institution to which you expect to transfer.

Each transfer instution has different requirements, so work closely with your advisor.

Exercise Science

Degree: Associate in Arts
Exercise Science

The Associate in Arts degree with an emphasis in Exercise Science is designed for students wanting to transfer to a four-year college or university to complete a bachelor’s degree. This educational plan is well suited for students preparing for a career in exercise science.

First Year  
Fall Quarter
  • ENGL& 101 English Composition I - 5 credits
  • MATH& 146 Introduction to Statistics - 5 credits
  • PSYC& 100 General Psychology - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • CHEM& 121 Introduction to Chemistry - 5 credits
  • ENGL& 102 Composition II - 5 credits
  • NUTR& 101 Nutrition - 5 credits
Spring Quarter
  • BIOL& 170 Human Biology - 5 credits
  • CMST& 220 Public Speaking - 5 credits
  • PE 229 Physical Fitness Concepts - 3 credits
  • Humanities Distribution - 5 credits
Second Year  
Fall Quarter
  • BIOL& 241 Human Anatomy & Physiology I - 5 credits
  • HLTH 140 Exercise & Nutrition - 3 credits
  • HLTH 154 First Aid/CPR - 1 credit
  • SOC& 101 Introduction to Sociology - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • BIOL& 242 Human Anatomy & Physiology II - 5 credits
  • HLTH 130 Health & Wellness - 3 credits
  • PSYC& 220 Abnormal Psychology - 5 credits
Spring Quarter
  • CHEM& 131 Introduction to Organic/Biochemistry - 5 credits
  • Humanities Distribution - 5 credits
  • Social Science Distribution - 5 credits

Pre-Chiropractic Education Plan

Degree: Associate in Science

Recommended Science Electives

  • BIOL& 221, 222, 223 Majors
  • BIOL& 241, 242, 243 Human A & P w/Lab I-III
  • CHEM& 261, 262, 263 Organic Chemistry w/Lab I-III
  • PHYS& 221, 222, 223 Engineering Physics I-III
First Year  
Fall Quarter
  • BIOL& 221 Majors Ecology/Evolution - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 161 General Chemistry w/Lab I - 6 credits
  • ENGL& 101 English Composition I - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • BIOL& 222 Majors Cell/Molecular - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 162 General Chemistry w/Lab II - 6 credits
  • MATH& 151 Calculus I - 5 credits
Spring Quarter
  • BIOL& 223 Majors Organismal Physiology - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 163 General Chemistry w/Lab III - 6 credits
  • MATH& 152 Calculus II - 5 credits
Second Year  
Fall Quarter
  • BIOL& 241 Human Anatomy & Physiology I OR PHYS& 221 Engineering Physics I - 5 credits
  • Health and Fitness Distribution - 3 credits
  • Social Science Distribution - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • BIOL& 242 Human Anatomy & Physiology II OR PHYS& 222 Engineering Physics II - 5 credits
  • MATH& 146 Introduction to Statistics - 5 credits
  • Humanities Distribution - 5 credits
Spring Quarter
  • BIOL& 243 Advanced Topics in Human Anatomy & Physiology OR PHYS& 223 Engineering Physics III - 5 credits
  • Social Science or Humanitities Distribution - 5 credits
  • Elective - 5 credits

Pre-Dental Hygiene Education Plan

Degree: Associate in Arts

Notes for Students

  • It is strongly recommended that students confer with an advisor at their potential transfer institution to determine the courses that best support or may be prerequisites for that particular program.
  • Not all transfer institutions require an AA degree. Students should check their transfer institutions to determine their specific program requirements.
  • Students may also be required to complete the Dental Hygiene Aptitude Test. Your advisor will help you set an educational plan to complete this program of study.
First Year  
Fall Quarter
  • CHEM& 121 Introduction to Chemistry - 5 credits
  • ENGL& 101 English Composition I - 5 credits
  • MATH& 107 Math in Society OR MATH& 146 Introduction to Statistics - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • ENGL& 102 Composition II - 5 credits
  • SOC& 101 Introduction to Sociology - 5 credits
  • Humanities Distribution - 5 credits
Spring Quarter
  • BIOL& 170 Human Biology - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 131 Introduction to Organic/Biochemistry - 5 credits
  • PSYC& 100 General Psychology - 5 credits
Second Year  
Fall Quarter
  • BIOL& 241 Human Anatomy & Physiology I - 5 credits
  • NUTR& 101 Nutrition - 5 credits
  • Humanities Distribution - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • BIOL& 242 Human Anatomy & Physiology II - 5 credits
  • CMST& 220 Public Speaking - 5 credits
  • Social Science Distribution - 5  credits
Spring Quarter
  • BIOL& 260 Microbiology - 5 credits
  • HLTH 145 Safety & Fitness - 3 credits
  • Diversity Elective - 5 credits
  • Elective - 3-5 credits

Pre-Dentistry Education Plan

Degree: Associate in Science

Note for Students

Consult with an advisor as you plan your curriculum and select electives. This will allow you to coordinate your program with the requirements of your intended major at the institution to which you expect to transfer.

Recommended Science Electives

  • BIOL& 221, 222, 223 Majors
  • BIOL& 241, 242, 243 Human A & P w/Lab I-III
  • CHEM& 261, 262, 263 Organic Chemistry w/Lab I-III
  • PHYS& 221, 222, 223 Engineering Physics I-III
First Year  
Fall Quarter
  • BIOL& 221 Majors Ecology/Evolution OR PHYS& 221 Engineering Physics I - 5 credits 
  • CHEM& 161 General Chemistry w/Lab I - 6 credits
  • ENGL& 101 English Composition I - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • BIOL& 222 Majors Cell/Molecular OR PHYS& 222 Engineering Physics II - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 162 General Chemistry w/Lab II - 6 credits
  • MATH& 151 Calculus I - 5 credits
Spring Quarter
  • BIOL& 223 Majors Organismal Physiology OR PHYS& 223 Engineering Physics III - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 163 General Chemistry w/Lab III - 6 credits
  • MATH& 152 Calculus II - 5 credits
Second Year  
Fall Quarter
  • Biology/Chemistry/Physics Sequence* - 5-6 credits
  • PSYC& 100 General Psychology - 5 credits
  • HUM 110 Ethics and Cultural Values - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • Biology/Chemistry/Physics Sequence* - 5-6 credits
  • MATH& 146 Introduction to Statistics OR MATH& 163 Calculus III - 5 credits
  • CMST& 220 Public Speaking - 5 credits
Spring Quarter
  • Biology/Chemistry/Physics Sequence* - 5-6 credits
  • SOC& 101 Introduction to Sociology - 5 credits
  • Health and Fitness Distribution - 3 credits

* Some baccalaureate institutions require physics with calculus. Biology majors should select Organic Chemistry or Physics for second-year sequence.

Pre-Medicine Education Plan

Degree: Associate in Science

Notes for Students

  • Medical schools do not give higher priority to a given major field of study when selecting candidates. You are therefore encouraged to formulate a program of study which is scholastically challenging and which can be the basis for a future career or for graduate study in the event you are not admitted to a medical school.
  • Consult with an advisor as you plan your curriculum and select electives. This will allow you to coordinate your program with the requirements of your intended major at the institution to which you expect to transfer.

Recommended Science Electives

  • BIOL& 221, 222, 223 Majors
  • BIOL& 241, 242, 243 Human A & P w/Lab I-III
  • CHEM& 261, 262, 263 Organic Chemistry w/Lab I-III
  • PHYS& 221, 222, 223 Engineering Physics I-III
First Year  
Fall Quarter
  • BIOL& 221 Majors Ecology/Evolution OR PHYS& 221 Engineering Physics I - 5 credits 
  • CHEM& 161 General Chemistry w/Lab I - 6 credits
  • ENGL& 101 English Composition I - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • BIOL& 222 Majors Cell/Molecular OR PHYS& 222 Engineering Physics II - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 162 General Chemistry w/Lab II - 6 credits
  • MATH& 151 Calculus I - 5 credits
Spring Quarter
  • BIOL& 223 Majors Organismal Physiology OR PHYS& 223 Engineering Physics III - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 163 General Chemistry w/Lab III - 6 credits
  • MATH& 152 Calculus II - 5 credits
Second Year  
Fall Quarter
  • Biology/Chemistry/Physics Sequence* - 5-6 credits
  • PSYC& 100 General Psychology - 5 credits
  • HUM 110 Ethics and Cultural Values - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • Biology/Chemistry/Physics Sequence* - 5-6 credits
  • MATH& 146 Introduction to Statistics OR MATH& 163 Calculus III - 5 credits
  • CMST& 220 Public Speaking - 5 credits
Spring Quarter
  • Biology/Chemistry/Physics Sequence* - 5-6 credits
  • SOC& 101 Introduction to Sociology - 5 credits
  • Health and Fitness Distribution - 3 credits

* Some baccalaureate institutions require physics with calculus. Biology majors should select Organic Chemistry or Physics for second-year sequence.

Admission to all nursing programs in Washington State is highly competitive. Completing this program of study will prepare you to transfer with junior standing to most four-year colleges and universities in Washington State but does NOT guarantee admission to the Nursing program.

Note: Students are urged to consult an advisor and refer to admission requirements for individual baccalaureate institutions for specific requirements and admission criteria.

Pre-Nursing Education Plan

Emphasis: Pre-Nursing
Degree: Associate in Pre-Nursing – DTA/MRP

First Year  
Fall Quarter
  • ENGL& 101 English Composition I - 5 credits
  • MATH& 146 Introduction to Statistics - 5 credits
  • Health and Fitness Distribution - 1 credit
  • Humanities Distribution - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • BIOL& 100 Survey of Biology OR BIOL& 170 Human Biology - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 121Introduction to Chemistry - 5 credits
  • PSYC& 100 General Psychology - 5 credits
Spring Quarter
  • CHEM& 131 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry - 5 credits
  • ENGL& 102 Composition II - 5 credits
  • PSYC& 200 Lifespan Psychology - 5 credits
  • Health and Fitness Distribution - 1 credit
Second Year  
Fall Quarter
  • BIOL& 241 Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 - 5 credits
  • HUM 110 Ethics & Cultural Values - 5 credits
  • NUTR& 101 Nutrition - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • CMST& 220 Public Speaking - 5 credits
  • BIOL& 242 Human Anatomy & Physiology 2 - 5 credits
  • SOC& 101 Introduction to Sociology - 5 credits
  • Health and Fitness Distribution - 1 credit
Spring Quarter
  • BIOL 243 Advanced Topics Human Anatomy & Physiology* - 5 credits
  • BIOL& 260 Microbiology - 5 credits
  • Elective - 5 credits

* BIOL 243, although not required, is strongly recommended.

Pre-Pharmacy Education Plan

Degree: Associate in Science

Note for Students

You are urged to consult with your advisor as you plan your curriculum and select electives. This will allow your advisor to coordinate your program with the requirements of the institution to which you expect to transfer.

Recommended Science Electives

  • BIOL& 221, 222, 223 Majors
  • BIOL& 241, 242, 243 Human A & P w/Lab I-III
  • CHEM& 261, 262, 263 Organic Chemistry w/Lab I-III
  • PHYS& 221, 222, 223 Engineering Physics I-III
First Year  
Fall Quarter
  • BIOL& 221 Majors Ecology/Evolution - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 161 General Chemistry w/Lab I - 6 credits
  • ENGL& 101 English Composition I - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • BIOL& 222 Majors Cell/Molecular - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 162 General Chemistry w/Lab II - 6 credits
  • MATH& 151 Calculus I - 5 credits
Spring Quarter
  • BIOL& 223 Majors Organismal Physiology - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 163 General Chemistry w/Lab III - 6 credits
  • MATH& 152 Calculus II - 5 credits
Second Year  
Fall Quarter
  • Biology/Chemistry Sequence*- 5 credits
  • Health and Fitness Distribution - 3 credits
  • Social Science Distribution* - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • Biology/Chemistry Sequence* - 5 credits
  • MATH& 146 Introduction to Statistics - 5 credits
  • Humanities Distribution* - 5 credits
Spring Quarter
  • Biology/Chemistry Sequence* - 5 credits
  • Social Science or Humanitities Distribution - 5 credits
  • Elective - 5 credits

* Biology majors should select Organic Chemistry or Anatomy & Physiology (BIOL& 241, 242) and Microbiology (BIOL& 260) for second-year sequence.

Pre-Physical Therapy Education Plan

Degree: Associate in Science
Emphasis: Pre-Physical Therapy

Notes for Students

A master’s degree is required for entry into professional practice as a physical therapist. Consult with your advisor as you plan your curriculum and select electives. This will allow your advisor to coordinate your program with the requirements of the institution to which you expect to transfer.

Recommended Science Electives:

  • BIOL& 221, 222, 223 Majors
  • BIOL& 241, 242, 243 Human A & P w/Lab I-III
  • CHEM& 261, 262, 263 Organic Chemistry w/Lab I-III
  • PHYS& 221, 222, 223 Engineering Physics I-III
First Year  
Fall Quarter
  • BIOL& 221 Majors Ecology/Evolution - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 161 General Chemistry w/Lab I - 6 credits
  • ENGL& 101 English Composition I - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • BIOL& 222 Majors Cell/Molecular - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 162 General Chemistry w/Lab II - 6 credits
  • MATH& 151 Calculus I - 5 credits
Spring Quarter
  • BIOL& 223 Majors Organismal Physiology - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 163 General Chemistry w/Lab III - 6 credits
  • MATH& 152 Calculus II - 5 credits
Second Year  
Fall Quarter
  • BIOL& 241 Human Anatomy & Physiology I OR PHYS& 221 Engineering Physics I - 5 credits
  • Health and Fitness Distribution - 3 credits
  • Social Science Distribution - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • BIOL& 242 Human Anatomy & Physiology II OR PHYS& 222 Engineering Physics II - 5 credits
  • MATH& 146 Introduction to Statistics - 5 credits
  • Humanities Distribution - 5 credits
Spring Quarter
  • BIOL& 243 Advanced Topics in Human Anatomy & Physiology OR PHYS& 223 Engineering Physics III - 5 credits
  • Social Science or Humanitities Distribution - 5 credits
  • Elective - 5 credits

Pre-Veterinary Medicine Education Plan

Degree: Associate in Science

Note for Students 

You are urged to consult with your advisor as you plan your curriculum and select electives.This will allow your advisor to coordinate your program with the requirements of the institution to which you expect to transfer.

First Year  
Fall Quarter
  • BIOL& 221 Majors Ecology/Evolution - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 161 General Chemistry w/Lab I - 6 credits
  • ENGL& 101 English Composition I - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • BIOL& 222 Majors Cell/Molecular - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 162 General Chemistry w/Lab II - 6 credits
  • MATH& 151 Calculus I - 5 credits
Spring Quarter
  • BIOL& 223 Majors Organismal Physiology - 5 credits
  • CHEM& 163 General Chemistry w/Lab III - 6 credits
  • MATH& 152 Calculus II - 5 credits
Second Year  
Fall Quarter
  • CHEM& 261 Organic Chemistry w/Lab I- 5 credits
  • Health and Fitness Distribution - 3 credits
  • Social Science Distribution - 5 credits
Winter Quarter
  • CHEM& 262 Organic Chemistry w/Lab II- 5 credits
  • MATH& 146 Introduction to Statistics OR MATH& 163 Calculus II - 5 credits
  • CMST& 220 Public Speaking - 5 credits
Spring Quarter
  • Science Elective OR CHEM& 263 Organic Chemistry w/Lab III- 5 credits
  • Social Science or Humanitities Distribution - 5 credits
  • Elective - 5 credits


Arts & Science Division
Walton Science Center Room 118
Email Sharon Mitchler