Off-Campus Access

Even when working away from the main campus you can use library resources and services.

Sure we have lots of books, but most of the Kirk Library's collection is actually online and accessible through OneSearch and research databases. When off campus, start your search from those pages or the Kirk Library homepage. Subscription materials will prompt you to login with your Centralia College email and password

Person using a mobile phone
Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay


Remote users can get research help via email, phone 360-623-8956, or our 24/7 chat service Ask a Librarian.


Students and faculty at CC East may request books and other library materials be sent to the CC East campus. Fill out the CC East Delivery Request and you will be contacted when the item arrives. You can return the item at the CC East front desk or to Kirk Library.


Librarians are available to teach in person at CC East. Librarians can also develop online materials that will help your students build research skills. Learn about our instruction program to plan your session and find your subject librarian