
 Current students and employees may borrow library items. Bring a valid photo ID to check items out.

Checking out books with student photo card

  • Books for 30 days
  • CDs and DVDs for 7 days
  • Laptops and hotspots for 1 quarter

Return items at the front desk or the Book Drop behind the library building, in Parking Lot D. Laptops, hotpots, and Interlibrary Loan books must be returned to the front desk.

To renew, bring items to library before they are due. As long as no one else is waiting for the item, you may renew.

We do not charge late fines for books, CDs, and DVDs. However, if you have overdue items, you will not be able to check out any new items until they are returned.

After 30 days late, items will be declared lost and you will be charged a replacement and processing fee. This fee will be payable at the Admissions and Records Office. Until fees are paid, you will be blocked from registering for classes, dropping or adding classes, requesting transcripts, and getting financial aid.

 Returned items are checked for damage. If damage is severe you will be charged replacement and processing fees.

Theft, Fire, or Flood
In some cases fees for lost and damage due to fire, flood, or theft may be waived with a copy of police, fire, or insurance report.

 You can check out items over the breaks with verification that you are registered for classes next quarter.
Some items are for library use only. These include magazines, reference books, archival materials, headphones, and items on reserve.